Continuum Mental Health Services
Warren Krywko RPN CCPCPR
Specializing in complex cases. No problem is too difficult for us!
Mental Health is a very broad field, with many sub-specialties. At Continuum Mental Health Services, we have decades of experience with complex problems, and keep abreast of the evolving research in the field. Therapy must be specific to the problems people are facing.
A number of therapeutic options are available, such as Strategic Therapy, Bowenian Family Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, as well as evaluating the need for medical assessment and treatment. If you require specialty services beyond our scope, we will refer you to an appropriate provider.
Many clients have come to therapy full of hope, but have ended up discouraged. At Continuum Mental Health Services, we work with your family to reach the highest level of success and adapt our plans on an ongoing basis to better fit the dynamic nature of families.